
Learn everything about MinerWork Workers here.

Workers Farm

Your team of workers will work hard 24 hours a day to get your WCOINs. When you have workers, you can collect their rewards once a day. You don't need to leave your browser open, your team works automatically, so feel free to close it and open it whenever you want. You can have a maximum of 300 workers.

Each player will be able to claim their daily reward at any time of the day, as long as the player claim it before the reset.

Where do I buy Workers?

You can buy workers from the menu. To open the menu, just click on the pickaxe icon. There you will find the market where you can buy your workers.

Workers Price

  • 5 Workers = 250 WCOIN

  • 10 Workers = 500 WCOIN

The limit for your workers is 300 in total.

Collect the rewards

Power and Rarity System

The workers have a rarity system. There are 4 different rarities, which are common, rare, super rare and epic.

Mining the mines with your workers

To mine the mines you need to have the necessary power for each one and the power of your workers are added together.

Each mine has a percentage of additional WCOIN that can be earned daily.

  • 25% = 0 WCOIN

  • 25% = 5 WCOIN

  • 25% = 10 WCOIN

  • 25% = 15 WCOIN

  • 25% = 0 WCOIN

  • 25% = 25 WCOIN

  • 25% = 30 WCOIN

  • 25% = 35 WCOIN

  • 25% = 0 WCOIN

  • 25% = 40 WCOIN

  • 25% = 45 WCOIN

  • 25% = 50 WCOIN

Last updated